PESFES aims to fight against extreme poverty in Burkina Faso and in the world. Sophie OUEDRAOGO created the association because she wants to help people living in extreme poverty and has always managed to overcome financial and social difficulties.
Today, Burkina Faso is going through a very critical period due to the numerous terrorist attacks in the country in 2022. Women and children are displaced and forced to live in extreme poverty.
They have been members of the Forum du refus de la misère since 2016, when the association was created. They learned about the forum through the secretariat of the United Nations in Vienna. They have the same objectives as the forum and therefore identify with its values. They wish to contribute to this forum of ideas and mutual aid between people who fight against poverty.
In the association’s premises in Saaba, a café restaurant has been opened. For every meal and refreshment sold 100F is set aside to support vulnerable and disadvantaged women and children.

“So we are trying in our own way to fight against extreme poverty.” Sophie Ouedraogo