José Bau Diyabanza

José Bau Diyabanza is the director of the association théâtr'action founded in Kinshasa in 1989. He has a degree in cultural animation and development and has under his leadership a group of young artists who have come together to create this theatre group. Théâtr'action has been in contact with the Forum du Refus de la Misère for over 10 years. The association contributes to the elimination of poverty through culture, based on the idea of peace and financial independence.

The theatre group is made up of young volunteers who specialise in community education through theatre. It operates in several areas such as health, the environment, human rights and education. The actions are directed towards rural, disadvantaged and isolated areas.

In addition to the classic plays, the volunteers produce collective creations. They are involved in theatrical animations, training, research and mentoring of children and young people.

The plays are used as educational tools for community information and education campaigns. Their work has received awards, including a revelation prize at the International Festival of Theatre for Development in Burkina Faso.

The population participates in the stages of creation (studies of the environment, conception, assembly, preparation, animation, production, follow-up and evaluation) and the shows presented are multidisciplinary (theatre, song, dance, percussion). The aim is to educate through art and raise awareness on various issues such as the fight against HIV or malaria.


Currently, the association is planning to build the Mbanza Ngungu cultural city, the farm school for the socio-economic integration of young people and the Mambeki agricultural cooperative.