Ms Fournier, from Quebec, Canada, has been a member of the International Committee october 17, since 2017
France Fournier is currently a member of the “Collectif pour un Quebec sans Pauvreté”, and participates in its AVEC project. The aim of this project is to lay the foundations for a Quebec without poverty, by involving, people living poverty, by encouraging the integration of these people, as well as the organizations that represent them, in the conception, implementation and evalutation of measures taken regarding them Ms Fournier has been an active supporter of the 17 October commemorations and mobilisation for many years and has contributed, like many others, to raising awareness of the need to unite our efforts on behalf of the poorest in order to eradicate poverty and extreme poverty.
When we ask the opinion of the people who live the situations, we avoid making mistakes, we avoid adopting laws that perpetuate inequalities. Everyone wins The middle class, the poor, the less poor, everyone wins.
When you make sure that the people at the bottom of the ladder move up a rung, society as a whole benefits. I’m convinced of this People regain their self-confidence, they develop a better self-esteem, it sends a different image of people living in poverty to the whole population. It reduces prejudice.