She is President of the International Committee for October 17 since July 2020
Aye Aye is from Myanmar and currently resides in Europe with her family. A passionate human rights activist, she has worked for many years to promote and defend the previously ignored economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, making the link between poverty and human rights violations.

A great believer in the human rights framework for transforming injustices and unequal power relations to ensure justice and dignity for all, she co-founded Dignity International, where, as founding director, she provided a strategic vision for the organisation, helped and contributed to building bridges between human rights and development activists, and supported numerous grassroots social movements around the world. Aye Aye has held several leadership positions, including on the boards of the International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net), and the European Commission. (ESCR-Net), and the Inter Press Service (IPS).