Let’s choose the theme for October 17, 2025, together!

Last year, we selected the umbrella theme for 2024 and 2025, which is "Ending social and institutional maltreatment". This year, we are pleased to launch the consultation process to choose the sub-theme for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty in 2025....

Promoting Youth Participation in Local Governance

This is the second article in our series on the participation of people directly affected by extreme poverty. It discusses an advocacy document written by the members of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Bonassama (AJE), a member of our Forum based in Douala...

The Stakes of Participation

“ My secret is: have an amazing group. That’s it. Give them the topic and let them talk, because they are amazing . ” This is the first article in our series on the participation of people directly impacted by poverty. It highlights the consultation process for...

Participation, so that every voice is heard and valued

In the coming weeks, we propose to publish on the Forum on Overcoming Extreme Poverty website a few articles on the participation of people in extreme poverty. This participation can be the driving force for profound and lasting change, benefiting society as a whole....

The Gorée Declaration

On October 18, 2024, the International Committee for October 17, gathered at the end of its 10th biennial meeting in Dakar, came together at the House of Slaves, on Gorée Island, to reveal a solemn Declaration. “We, the members of the International Committee for...

International poster for October 17, 2024

Our common theme for 2024 and 2025 is Ending social and institutional maltreatment. Through a consultation process, we continue to invite people who live in poverty and those who join forces with them to explore these topics. On 17 October, this will unite us and...

Concept note October 17, 2024

The concept note of the International Committee October 17 is ready. It is the result of a consultation carried out in February with the Forum on Overcoming Extreme Poverty network. This consultation enabled us to prepare the theme of the Day. The concept note is an...

Synthesis of the consultation 2024

As every year, at the beginning of February, a questionnaire is sent out by the Forum, on behalf of the International Committee October 17, concerning the choice of theme for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This February 2024 was the opportunity...

Joseph Wresinski (1917–1988)

The inspiration behind October 17 Joseph Wresinski was born to immigrant parents in a poor neighborhood of Angers, France. He grew up in a family that suffered from chronic poverty and social exclusion. In 1946, he was ordained as a priest and served in industrial and...