Background of the consultation
“Dignity for All in Practice” is the overall theme chosen for a two-year cycle, (2022 – 2023) for the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP). In 2022, the emphasis was placed on the importance of social justice, peace and the planet. After preliminary discussions with the UN partners and the different teams of the ATD Fourth World Movement, the International Committee October 17 (IC17) proposes, for 2023, to focus on “dignified work and social protection”and on how they are essential to put “Dignity for All in Practice”. For this reason, the International Committee for October 17 and the Forum on Overcoming Extreme Poverty, launched a consultation during the month of February 2023. The Forum is an international network of solidarity among people experiencing poverty and those working closely to overcome extreme poverty, and correspondents of the Forum where asked the following three questions :
• What do you think these concepts of “dignified work and social protection” mean?
• Are they important to you and if so, why?
• What experiences do you want to share about this?
Synthesis process
The consultation received more than 112 contributions in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) from 38 countries. The consultation brought groups of people together to think about these issues and a number of the responses were prepared collectively.
This summary was prepared by the Forum team as a contribution to the work of the International Committee for October 17 in its work of argumentation and preparation of the Concept Note. The International Committee for October 17 serves as a bridge between the international forum of solidarity among people working to overcome extreme poverty and the international partners, for the strong solidarity dimension of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) to become a reality.